Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Thursday, November 02, 2006

First musings to share...

Well, my loving husband jokingly commented that it's *my* turn to post. I can see how this could easily start a mini-tug-of-war. In reality, he would win if posting becomes a contest, so I will concede before we even begin. ;)

Just wanted to post a couple of side notes as to the description line under our blog title...yes it is a "high life" we lead indeed, but I am referring more so to the chaos that ensues within the walls of our home. I am continually amazed at how Heath's grandparents did it with 7 and 10 children in their respective households and yet, were able to find some semblance of normalcy in life! Here I am struggling with two. Hopefully, it gets easier...or maybe you just get better at it...or maybe you just lose your mind and then it doesn't matter after that point. In all honesty, our children are the biggest blessings in our lives. Of course, that does not mean it is a challenge to serve them as their parents.

"Crunchy" is a description that comes up in many natural-living families. You may have also heard "granola" or "nutty" as well. Some things we practice/believe in that categorize us as crunchy include natural childbirth, homebirth, cloth diapering, extended breastfeeding, babywearing and co-sleeping (AKA family bed). These are the parts of our lives that Heath affectionately labels my "hippie tendencies". "Conservative" is somewhat self-explanatory, but I'll elaborate. We consider ourselves moral conservatives rather than using the term to identify our politics (although the former does affect the latter). I think the major issue that defines us as conservatives is that we are fiercely pro-life. This extends even into the embryonic stem cell issue, as well as abortion and euthanasia. Speaking of morals, there is a source for them. We are Catholics. "Catholic" is probably the most self-explanatory term in our descriptor. We work hard to be faithful Catholics, putting into daily practice and living out the virtues and morals handed down by the Church. That doesn't mean it is easy, at least for me anyway. Some days, I seem to be challenged hourly and with each passing minute on how I am going to choose to respond to a situation. With patience or with unvirtue-like times, I can almost *feel* the little angel and devil on each one of my shoulders. I pray that I choose patience more often than not.

Which finally leads me to today's musing...patience. This is a virtue I prayed to grow in during my first pregnancy with Cavan. Many days, I don't think that praying worked. But then other days, I receive some small encouragement from Heath or family/friend or an outsider on how "patient" I am being. Now, I don't think I would choose that word to describe myself, but if others see it...then maybe I am at least making progress, right? And ultimately, isn't that what life is about? Progress??? About us growing as individuals, as the children of God we are called to be, as better parents, friends...just better people in general. Now, this is not to say that I think it is "enough" to be a good person. I think there is much more to life than that, but growing, progressing and changing for the better...I think that is a darn good start.


At 11/2/06, 5:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Shan,
you are in my prayers with your 2 little ones...i don't know how you do it, but you are blessed! staying home all day is tough, i know, even with one. take it a day at a time and keep on praying!love gina and vani

At 11/5/06, 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

I do agree that you seem patient. I struggle with that myself at times, even without children! Keep up the good work. Continually growing feels good to me too.

We have not been back to Champaign since we last saw you, but hopefully we will be in the next few months.

If you're in the Chicago area, let us know! Happy Thanksgiving, in advance!

If you think of it, from time to time send me a reminder you have the blog! I'll keep the link but don't want to forget to check it now and then! Thanks!

Love, Susan

At 11/5/06, 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shannon & Heath,

This is a great idea, a little off the wall, but at the same time, i don't have to call anymore. So... that's good. Um... keep me updated, and i guess i'll see you guys at Thanksgiving.


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