Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Children Updates

Ah, my beloved children. Such blessings, such fun, such pains in the butt sometimes.


Turned three a week ago. His vocabulary is growing bit by bit, though I still need an interpreter (ie Shannon) for certain phrases and words. He's going through a "naked" phase. He loves to say, "I naked butt" as he runs through the house laughing. It's cute to an extent but he is reluctant sometimes to dress when we need to leave the house!

The other day he told me about a "mean boy" he saw at the park. We talked a little about how it's important that we be nice to this boy and not to be mean back to him. I told him that being mean makes Jesus sad and that we need to pray for this boy, which we did that night. We've had similar talks when we see guns or fighting on TV. Last night, he requested that we pillow fight on the bed; we did and about 2 minutes into it, he stopped and said, "No more fighting; fighting makes Jesus sad." Touche. I informed him that we were really just "playing" and that playing makes Jesus happy! That suitably convinced him and we were back at it after that.


It really is fascinating to see how children grow the first couple years. As soon as she had her first birthday, she's matured so much. She started walking about 2 weeks later and she's really verbalizing quite a bit. A few words have come out of her mouth, somewhat recognizable. She already says a better "K" sound than Cavan (who still says "race tars"). She likes to dance to music (very cute!) and has recently discovered the wonder of popsicles!

Shannon has also been trying to wean her from night-nursing (we have a family bed, so both she and Cavan sleep with us); Shan will nurse her to sleep initially, but every time she gets up in the middle of the night, either Shannon or I have to walk with her and put her back down. I guess I've just been spoiled with both our children, since I almost never had to do that when they were under a year; when they would wake, Shan would just nurse them back down. Since we've started this process (hopefully nearing completion) a couple weeks ago, I've hardly had a good night's sleep. A good sacrifice, I guess . . .


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