Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bragging Rights

Happy 100th post! Fitting that it would be about one of my children . . .

Cavan has always LOVED books and recently has shown a great interest in small words he can identify. Heath has taken the reins on this one and Cavan now knows over 40 words by sight! Very exciting for us to watch, especially now that we have borrowed some "easy readers" from the library that he can actually read and work through on his own. I will admit, there are a few little books he just knows by rote but many times a day, he will stop me while I am reading a magazine or book, or a truck with a logo passing by and say "Hey Mama, that says (insert word he knows)!" It is so neat watching his face light up as he begins to unlock this wonderful world of reading.

I won't exhaust you with the entire list but here are some words he knows:

I, you, Daddy, Mommy, God, Jesus, me, big, go, up, and, car, Cavan, zoo, good, boy, like, is, book, fun, run, cat, pizza, see, ball, small, little, sun, dog, night, walk

We are very blessed with our children and are continually amazed at how bright they are. No, I assure you, we are NOT biased. ;)

See, homeschooling isn't so hard! I guess you should check back with me during later years to see if I still hold that same sentiment. ;) Thank you for letting me "brag".


At 10/29/08, 7:46 AM, Blogger Becky said...

My favorite of Cavan's words: pizza. Hee hee!

At 10/30/08, 1:21 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

That was actually one of his first. ;) Can you tell we like pizza?


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