Celeb Speaks Out Against Vaccines
I received this link from another mom and the article covers the question of vaccine safety. Written by Jim Carrey, he voices some basic concerns that Heath and I have about vaccines and the blanket recommendations accompanying them.
I know some of you have already written us off as the "nutty family/friends who shun every mainstream parenting choice", but truth be told, we are not against vaccines just for the sake of being different. We are not skeptical simply because it is the medical society telling us our children should have 36 of them before the age of 3. That is not why we avoid them. (Although 36 shots seems like a lot for one little 3 year old body, right?) No, there are instances when vaccines may be appropriate. However, I also believe the current U. S. system of vaccination is inappropriate, extreme and unsafe for children. Like Carrey pointed out, there are both good and bad to the vaccines. So why does the medical community tout them as 100% beneficial, without the slightest acknowledgment that they could have potential downsides? Doesn't that seem suspect?! There is a pro and con to everything in life, right?
Heath and I do not vaccinate our children because the risks of receiving the shots do not outweigh the benefits for our family. I realize we live in a country that allows us to make this choice without impending threat of diseases that plagued many children generations ago. And I am so very thankful that we CAN make this choice! Overall, the bottom line is no one knows how "safe" vaccines are. People may still be alive who have received vaccines, but we will never know the full physiological havoc they have wreaked on our bodies. And until the CDC, AAP and vaccine makers can show me an unbiased (e.g. not funded by Merck or other pharmaceutical companies), randomized, controlled clinical trial which proves safety without a shadow of a doubt, I will continue to make the choice I feel is safest for my children (which now includes another precious newborn).