Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Benefits of Sunshine

Heath and I have regular "educational" moments with our children concerning their health and lifestyle choices that we are making. While we by no means are the model of health, we are working on improving our choices so we can be healthier as a family and provide good models to our children. Hopefully, this will aid them in making overall healthier choices throughout their lives.

Cavan and Kellyn have attended a camp called "Eco-Adventures" this summer, which meets once a week in the mornings. A couple of weeks ago, the topic covered was reptiles and amphibians. The youngsters went out for a hike, looking for frogs and turtles when they stumbled upon one turtle sun-bathing on a big log in the lake. Here is the interaction that took place:

Savannah (camp leader): Why do you think that turtle is out in the sun?
Cavan: He's getting his vitamin D!

Times like those make me smile. ;)


At 7/31/09, 6:53 PM, Blogger melbys said...

lol. that's impressive! most adults don't even know that. :)


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