Homebirth in Illiniois --- we need your help!
While politics are NOT my forte, there is a current issue which needs your attention and help (especially if you reside in Illiniois). As many of you know, we had a homebirth with our daughter Kellyn last May. Since I was attempting a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC), I knew my chances of achieving one in a hospital setting were slim to none. After experiencing all the garbage we did during Cavan's labor and birth, I knew I wanted a MUCH different experience with our second child. Hence, my journey led me to a Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC). While I am not going to try to convince you that everyone should have a homebirth (that would be for another post:)), I will say that everyone who chooses to birth their babies at home should have the options to do so safely.
Illinois currently does not have any legislation that licenses Direct-Entry Midwives. There are Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs), but they receive their training in a hospital. They are not trained for homebirths and in reality, only 1% of all CNMs even attend homebirths. This leaves the vast majority of homebirthing families in a real pickle. Given that there are approximately 1,000 families in Illinois who choose to have a homebirth EACH year, this is not just a small problem. We do not have any way of knowing how "qualified" our midwives are because there is no licensure regulating them. Hopefully, this is about to change.
Currently, there is a Senate Bill (S.B. 385) that just passed out of committee yesterday. Hooray!!! This is the first time it has even passed out of committee in 20+ years of trying to get licensure for midwives passed! This alone is a HUGE step. However, we need to keep our momentum going!!! In the next week or so, the Illinois senate will be voting on Senate Bill 385 so it is MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER that we contact our Illinois senators to let them know we want their support! Even if you would never have a homebirth yourself, you know (and hopefully *love*) us. Let your senator know that a close friend/sister/daughter/cousin/niece had a homebirth last May in Illinois. Tell them you want my family to have options in trusting a safe careprovider for our homebirths of our future children. Make it known that as a constituent in their respective district, this issue is important and personal to you (even if it is only "personal" through our experience of homebirth). Ask for their support of Senate Bill 385. That is it. Pretty easy, right? Letters do not have to be long; they only have to ask for their support in licensing midwives as Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs). Send these off to their Springfield addresses, which can be found by visiting www.ilga.gov and clicking on "Legislator Lookup", which is listed under the heading of "Additional Resources".
Giving them a call at their Springfield office would also be beneficial. Their secretary will answer and you simply say you want your senator's support for Senate Bill 385. The secretary will then ask for your name, number and either address or city where you live. I have yet to be contacted back from my senator/representative, so don't be nervous about addressing the issue with them personally. *If* you are contacted by some miracle, direct them to the website www.homebirthishealthy.org which has the senate bill, more info on homebirth in general, why we need CPMs in addition to CNMs, etc. In fact, I encourage all of you to visit that website for yourself and read up on the issue!
I understand and *know* what a pain it can be to sit down and write even a short letter, but I assure you, all of your contacts will make a HUGE difference for the homebirth movement in Illinois! Even if you could care less about the issue, I am pleading with you as a friend to do this for me. It is so very important and as I do not plan on birthing any future children in hospitals (barring unforeseen emergencies/complications), your letters/phone calls will make a huge impact on our family's future births as well. Please do this in the next couple of days as the Illinois Senate will be voting very soon on the issue. And trust me, I am not above the act of begging....pretty, pretty, pretty please with lots 'o cherries, nuts and whipped cream on top!!!
For those of you who reside in Southern Illinois, this issue is slightly more important as John O. Jones was the ONLY "no" vote on the 9-member committee that passed the bill. I am not sure of his exact district, but if he happens to be your senator, a short letter may do even more good than for other senators.
Okay, that is it for today's "changing the world" rant....hope you all are well and looking forward to spring as much as I am!