Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Birthday, Cavan!

Three years ago . . .my whole world was turned on its back. While many people talk about the changes that being a parent brings, nobody could EVER give you a glimpse into the full extent of those changes! Take for instance, some of my fondest memories of life before children:

***Time ALONE in the bathroom.
***Being able to eat a meal in one sitting.
***Being able to eat a meal, without giving part of it to someone else.
***Being able to eat a meal . . . PERIOD.
***Quiet whenever I wanted to relish in it.
***Getting ready and leaving the house in under 60 minutes.
***Reading books that didn't always involve animals, cars or Disney characters.
***Reading books that were above first grade level.
***Sleeping in a bed, on my tummy, without having to worry about who willl wake up if I move one wrong muscle.
***Enjoying mass on Sundays and actually being able to not only hear the homily, but ponder it as well.

Don't get me wrong. I love my children and I would not undo any days of my life. Besides, much of the above is HIGHLY overrated. Here are some positives of having two little ones in our home:

***I have become very "efficient" in the bathroom. (My dear husband could still use some work on this one. ;)
***Eating a little less and staying active are not only great ways to keep an ideal weight, but they are also wonderful reminders of how blessed we are to have food in our bellies and two healthy children to chase after.
***When it is quiet, I'm just left with my thoughts. Okay, well if I had any time or quiet for thoughts, I might be left with them. But I'm a mom. Thoughts go out the window after childbirth and breastfeeding.
***Getting two kids ready to leave the house is a wonderful exercise in patience and creativity. And I have definitely improved my multitasking skills!
***Heath would tell you that I never actually finish reading any books I start anyway. So, at least now, I can proudly say, "Yes Heath. I have finished books. Just take a look at 'Goodnight Moon', 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear' and 'Pajama Time'! Would you like a report?"
***While there are nights when all I want is a King-size bed to myself, there is nothing to make a person feel more loved than two little bodies snuggled tightly against her. ;)
***Mass is another exercise in patience and humility for me. It truly is a battle against distractions, anger, annoyance and frustration. However, if it were easy, there would be no opportunity for growth, right? And isn't that what life is all about?

So, I wish my darling three year old a wonderful new year full of good surprises, growth and joy. It will be interesting to see what sorts of things he is saying and doing one year from now. Part of me does mourn the passage of time. I know that along with it, comes the inevitable change in our relationship. I realize all mothers and sons will go through that awkward, prepubescent shift in attitudes and interactions. But the deepest part of me is hoping that when that stage is all said and done, my "little boy" will still be able to give me a sloppy kiss with a big hug and say, "I love you sooo much, whooo wewd, toooo much, Mama!" (Interpretation: "I love you so much, bigger than the whole world, too much, Mama!")


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