Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Our poor, toothless Kellyn

Well, she will be with one less tooth on Monday. ;( Unfortunately, Kellyn fell on the cement while we were at the park yesterday and now has a fat upper lip as well as a top, front tooth that is cracked and split straight up the middle. We went into the dentist this morning as she was complaining that it hurt. All the tooth is there, it is just in two separate halves. I was amazed today when I saw that the dentist could separate them completely just by moving one piece!

So, her nerve is exposed/severed and the best option is to just get the tooth pulled. ;( There is no way a two year old would be compliant for a root canal and the anesthetic options are not appealing to me as her mother. Thankfully, it is just her baby tooth and it seem this will have no affect whatsoever on her adult tooth. In the grand scheme of things, this is no big deal. There are much, MUCH worse things that can and do happen to children everyday. And yet, I am having trouble not fretting about the situation. I think this is part of God's grander design to get me to stop worrying about all the "little things" in life that rob me of my serenity and be thankful for all the abundant blessings we have! ;)

She started antibiotics today to prevent infection to her exposed tooth parts before Monday. I ask for your prayers/thoughts that the tooth removal goes smoothly, that the dentist's hands are skilled and swift and that she is not too traumatized from the whole process. I have a feeling this may be a bad way to start trips to the dentist. ;) Lastly, please pray for her mama that she can not be too stressed about the issue and place it fully in God's hands!

This incident is reminding (forcing???) me to "let go and let God". I can't say I am having an easy time learning these "lessons". Maybe it's my red hair or my Irish heritage or maybe just b/c I am who I am, but I have to hear things over and over before they sink in or I think I am ready to assimilate them into my life. I wish this road was smoother for me, but I am trying to trust that God knows better than I do. Sounds simple enough, right? I wish it was that simple for me to do. Amazing what a little tooth can trigger in your life . . .


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