Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Nursing Funnies

A couple of weeks ago, the kids and I were driving home from somewhere. Cavan asked where we were going and I said "home". Kellyn protested, saying she didn't want to "live in our house". I asked her where she wanted to go live then. Cavan inquired, "Texas? Do you want to go live in Texas, Tew (Kel)?" He has a puzzle of the USA and Texas is one of the states he knows by shape and name. ;) She said yes. I then proceeded to ask who was going to help me with the new baby after he/she arrived. Both children immediately went into a chorus of "I do, I will, I, I, I!!!" (We'll see if these eager beavers remain when I am changing wet/dirty diapers. ;) Kellyn next went into her list of how she is going to help with the baby, who at that time was most definitely a "her" in Kellyn's world. Here is the remainder of the conversation:

Kellyn: I will rock-y her, and sing to her and nurse her . . .

Cavan: But Tewyn (Kellyn), you tan't (can't) nurse the new baby beetuz (because) you don't have big nursies wite (like) mama. You just have widdow (little) nursies. You have to wait tiw (till) they det (get) bidder (bigger). 'Tay, Tew? ('Kay, Kell?)

I couldn't help but laugh out loud in amusement. ;) Cavan was curious about my laughter. It's nice to remember these moments, especially after having a tumultuous day like today with my spirited daughter.


At 11/6/08, 10:10 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Children are amazing in some of their insights and their ability to cheer up a mom's spirit. Next time theyy want to move, suggest Evansville, I will take care of you after the baby is born. :)


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