Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Just wanted to share a cute moment between Cavan and I the other day . . . .

I was feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the disaster that is my house. I realize all mothers feel this way from time to time and struggle with household chores. However, when it is my house that is the current aftermath of a tornado, I usually do not stop to think of the sisterhood of moms and garner energy from their cleanliness pool. Instead, I wallow in the isolation I feel, convinced that I am the only one who has a messy house and children who don't like to sleep or have predictable routines.

On this particular day last week, I sat on the steps of our stairway and put my head down in my hands. I was not crying (which would not be an unusual way for me to deal with stress, by the way) but sighed and kept my eyes buried in my palms. Cavan came over and sat next to me, putting his sweet arm around back and began rubbing. (Isn't he such a sensitive, compassionate little guy?!) Here is the conversation that followed:

Cavan: What's wrong, Mom?

Me: Well, honey . . . Mommy is tired of the house being a mess. I am tired of cleaning up all the time only to have it a mess the next day. I am just tired of it.

Cavan: Yeah . . . I am tired too. I'm tired of doin' (going) pee all da time. Every time I do (go) to sweep (sleep), I hafta det up (get up) to do (go) pee.

That moment made me laugh, which is what I needed at that point. I pray the Lord doesn't give up on me and keeps sending me these lighthearted moments with my children to remind me of all the joyful blessings that children bring (and hopefully, create some amnesia regarding all the work they bring!).

So, what are you tired of? ;)


At 6/26/08, 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share, I also often feel my house is the only house in the world that is a pit. But, Emily, bless her heart, baby sat across the way for a fairly wealthy family who surely should have it all together right? Well, she's a curious person, and she told me the master bedroom is a total disaster, with laundry everywhere. That made me feel better, and even motivated me to get my laundry all caught up! I'm doing my last load right now, and our master bedroom is currently spotless!! Just don't look at the rest of the house. I spent all day yesterday doing laundry so all the other little clean ups I do through out the day didn't get done. Oops!!

At 9/1/08, 3:40 PM, Blogger Jess said...

That's great. It just made me laugh out loud. Thanks Cavan and Shannon,you are sunshines. :)


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