Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Monday, November 10, 2008

Barama supporters: Dazed and Confused?

OK, last Barama shot for awhile, I almost promise.

I have no idea how to embed a youtube video here (and I'm too lazy to learn), so here's the link:



At 11/11/08, 12:18 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

Had to put that on my blog here. Want me to teach you how to do it?

At 11/11/08, 6:21 PM, Blogger Heath Morber said...


I'm all ears . . . er, eyes. Thanks in advance.

At 11/11/08, 7:40 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

If you look at the YouTube video when it's done playing, the video part minimizes, and in the upper right-hand corner, there are two boxes labeled "embed" and "url". If you are on the actual YouTube page, it's at the top of the right-hand column next to the video. Just click on the "embed" code, copy it, and paste into your Blogger post after selecting "Edit Html" at the upper right of the text box. For some reason, when I try to paste it directly into Blogger, it won't copy the whole thing... but if I paste it somewhere else first (like into my e-mail program) and then re-copy it and paste into Blogger, then it will copy the whole thing. Maybe it's just me. Also, when I click back over to "Compose" mode, it looks like it didn't load properly, but then if I click "Preview", it's fine. Anyway, that's all there is to it! Oh, I have also noticed that the default width must be a bit larger than my blog post width - if you look at my blog, you can see that there is a tiny bit cut off the right side of the video window. It doesn't affect anything, though, so I have not bothered to edit the width to fit, although you certainly could if you have that problem.

Hopefully that all made sense. I really don't know the first thing about html, and have just muddled along through trial and error. :)


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