Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Sports and Hollywood

I had a fine conversation with a co-worker the other day over lunch in which the absurdities of the worlds of sports and Hollywood came up.

The topic was broached when the cafeteria television showed some clips of a particular actress or singer whose dress for the (Name) Awards cost approximately $450,000 (or was it $800,000 . . . ?). It was covered in diamonds.

Now considering that, at my current salary, it would take me well over a decade to make 450 grand, this kind of spending seems a bit preposterous to me. Have these awards shows really set the bar this high? If so, it wouldn't surprise me, considering all the excesses of these two worlds.

Consider: an athlete being paid 25 million to play baseball 9 months a year, actors demanding 20 million dollars per movie, Oprah being paid enough to purchase whole African countries to host a talk show . . .

What's the effect of these exorbitant salaries? A descent into idiocy it seems . . . a few examples:

Cameron Diaz's remark during the 2002 election that "if you think rape should be legal, then don't vote!"

Latrell Sprewell's (basketball player) remark that he has "a family to feed" after being outraged at an offer of $21 million over a period of three years, substantially less than what his previous contract had paid him.

Hollywood's infatuation with Scientology . . . 'nuff said.

These people are clearly not living in the real world. What I'm waiting for is an actor to step up and say, "Geez, I don't need all that money! I'll do the movie for 30 grand! Let's give the rest to charity." I won't hold my breath . . .


At 11/11/06, 3:02 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I had a friend once argue that, from a player's perspective, they deserve alot of the money because they have helped generate it (e.g. t-shirts, shoe sales, etc.). However, I agree there is no need for the ghastly amounts given to players. I think in the end, we agreed to disagree. We are living proof that you can get by on much less. =)


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