Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Back in town

Just returned from a relaxing few days at my folks' house. Caught up with some reading and some quiet time with my wife after a very hectic few weeks. Grandparents make wonderful baby-sitters!

The Choir Alumni weekend went tremendously well! I thought I was going to lose my mind during the week leading up to it, but all the hard work truly paid off. We had almost 100 participants (over 100 when counting family members) and a wonderful time was had by all. We'll have a great CD to show for it (hopefully ready to go sometime in December) and even greater memories! I'm already being pressured to do another one in the near future. Not for at least five years I've been saying! : )

The family drama continues, unfortunately. Much happened up north while we were gone and most other options for this situation are becoming bleaker and bleaker. Shannon and Molly are heading to the courthouse tomorrow so we can gain temporary guardianship; we'll see if it becomes permanent in the weeks to come . . .

This whole situation has been and will continue to be a real test of Christian virtue. It's been real easy to "talk the talk" when life has been pretty peachy as of late. Now that the rubber is hitting the road, we're slowly finding out the true meaning of things such as self-sacrifice, patience, and charity. I guess this could be a positive venture in that respect; I just wish it didn't have to be so hard . . .


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