Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Friday, October 19, 2007


--Sorry for the absence; I've been highly unmotivated to blog lately for whatever reason.

--Our Marian CD is near completion! Last winter, my choirs at St. John's recorded a CD full of music in honor of Mary. I should be picking up the insert today, and they'll be ready to purchase. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like a copy (satb98 [at] yahoo [dot] com); they really turned out well and for only ten bucks, they're a steal!

--Happy Birthday to Grandma Gale! She's turning 79 this year, and still very active for her age. I remember my friends being amazed in high school when I told them that she still bowled! Shannon and the kids are heading down this afternoon to see my folks and to be present for the annual birthday/hay-ride celebration they always host in October. I'll be staying home, as the brunt of my work responsibilities fall on the weekend. I'll get to come home for Thanksgiving . . .

--I'm still planning on finishing those homeschooling posts I've been promising. Again, I'm having trouble working up the courage to do them as they'll be a bit lengthy. Patience, my friends!

--As October winds down, please keep in mind that this is Respect Life month. Please pray for a greater respect for life in all its forms, from conception to a natural death. Shannon and I remarked about how ironic it is that this is also Breast Cancer Awareness month, yet no one wants to talk about the link between abortion and breast cancer. No, let's just be aware that there is a terrible disease called breast cancer and not try to eliminate all the activities that put women at a greater risk for it. (Sigh)

--Enjoy the remnants of summer weather before they're gone!


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