Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Here's what's going on with the Morbers . . .

1) Shannon started a new round of Bradley classes last week. Only two couples this time, but she couldn't afford to wait much longer for new ones to join as these two moms are due pretty soon (one may not even make it through the whole session). Get this: both fathers are chiropractors, to go along with one of Shan's students in her previous class who was also a chiropractor. The only conclusion is that chiropractors love natural-child-birth!

2) Shan also pseudo-started at Carle hospital last week. She did some training days last week and 3 days of shadowing this week. She's almost ready to swim on her own; turns out she'll have to work one Saturday a month. Ugh.

3) This last summer we had a St. John's choir alumni weekend. The CD that was recorded during it is almost finished. The insert was finalized today, and will be going to the printers tomorrow. Once I burn an intial 200 copies or so, and stuff all the cases, they'll be ready for distribution! So this is two recordings from my "department" (which consists, basically of me and me) in the last year. I've learned a good lesson.

4) Kids are fine. We absolutely can't shut Kellyn up; she's jabbering all the time, with about 10 percent of what she says being distinguishable. Cavan's in dire need of a haircut.


At 1/15/08, 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heath and Shannon!! Mom just let me know about the letter you two had sent and I read it this morning - glad to hear everything is going great! Keep in touch!! -Angela


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