Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Friday, January 25, 2008

Morber Quotables

Yeah, yeah . . . I know, I'm the delinquent poster. I wish I could say I'll repent, but I don't think that is very likely. So, since my husband has the last 5-6 postings without a peep from me, I thought I would just slip in some cute quotable moments from our house lately.

1) Miss Kellyn has such a great vocabulary, especially when comparing her to words that Cavan used at the same age (which was very little. He was, however, a stellar one with sign language!). My current favorite is her pronunciation of "finger". It rhymes with "suck-er" and starts with an "f". The best is when she holds up her index finger, pointing at you while she says it over and over and over . . . yes, I'm juvenile but I find it HI-larious! ;)

2) Heath and I were hugging in the living room the other day and Cavan kept trying to get his attention. This is not an unusual scenario. We go through this many times a day, which is why the majority of our conversations are carried through multiple sessions. (It's a wonder we have *any* communication at all some days!) So, Cavan is saying, "Dad . . . Daaad . . . Daaaaad-ddyyyy . . ." Heath responds by saying, "Hold on, buddy, I am trying to hug your mom." Cavan retorts in a deliberate manner: "But -- it's -- called -- a -- famuhwee." (Transaltion: But it's called a family.) I thought it was very cute that he was trying to make his dad aware of the fact that we're all in this together. ;) Alone time??? What the heck does that mean?

3) I can't remember if I posted this awhile back or not, but it's funny enough that it is worth repeating. One day, Mama Morber was moving about the front room, picking up various toys and doing some general cleaning. Cavan comes in the room and says, "Who-body coming to our house?" We can all see what he associates mom's cleaning with. ;)

Okay, that's all I have for now. I will try to get another one in before next Friday, but my Bradley final is due next week and I am not making any promises. It is a MONSTER in length!!!


At 1/27/08, 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had almost the exact conversation the other day. I was cleaning up, and encouraging help from the peanut gallery when one asked who was coming over. Someone must be if we were picking up.


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