Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy . . . uh . . .

I find the following amusing:

--Seculars who insist on saying "Happy Holidays", completely ignoring that "holidays" clearly shows its roots in "holy days."

--Anti-Catholic Christians who, in turn, insist on saying "Merry Christmas", ignoring the Catholic roots of the word "Christmas" as "Christ Mass." (Some denominations don't see Catholics as true Christians and regard the Mass as an "abomination.")

I find it hard to get worked up about this debate every year. I won't be boycotting any stores because the greeters have been instructed to say "Happy Holidays." And I've yet to come across a person offended when I've wished them a Merry Christmas.

By the way, Merry Christmas! We're currently at my folks' house (they finally got a decent Internet connection! Woo-hoo!) and enjoying the Christmas season (no, it's not over!). May God bless you all during this joyous time!


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