Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Cavan Part 2

Yeesh, I haven't posted in almost a month. My apologies, but work has been taking up oodles of time . . . but our Christmas concert is over (it was great!) and I have free time again!

I really enjoyed reading Shannon's post about our beloved son and I thought I would add some reflections of my own.

Cavan is a true joy in every sense of the word. He's always been a wonderful child but this age in particular is quite endearing. As his awareness and vocabulary increase, his personality has matured also. He likes to give hugs and kisses and has started to grasp the concept of love somewhat (though the concept can never fully be understood). A typical exchange in bed often goes somewhat like this:

Heath: Cavan, say, "I love Da-da."

Cavan: "Wuh-wuh, Da-da. Wuh-wuh, Ma-ma. Wuh-wuh, Buh-buh (baby). Wuh-wuh, me-me.

We used to have to prod all of them, but sometimes he'll just do them all (probably so we'll stop bugging him! :)

His proficiency in being a wonderful older brother is inspiring. He loves Kellyn; he hugs her and kisses her and (sometimes) shares his toys with her. He always runs to one of us when he hears her cry upstairs after a nap and lets us know we need to grab her. Cavan loves to make her laugh and when she herself does something he finds amusing, he'll smile, point a finger at her and cheerfully say, "Buh-buh."

One of the most wonderful things about being a father is walking through the door after work and having Cavan say, "Hi, Da." And then running into my arms and wanting to play. There's nary a better way to be received, I don't think. :)

Shannon left out some of his best word combinations in her previous post that I shall immediately rectify:

Cavan was overjoyed to discover his rear end a couple months ago and proudly flaunted around the house (sans pants) joyfully proclaiming, "buh-buh" while slapping his hindquarters.

When he uses the potty, we always ask him if he needs to "poop" or if he just needs to "pee." Lately, he's been informing us after he's finished that there is "mope poop" ("no poop") with a rising inflection for "mope" and a tailing off in inflection for "poop." Also, he can't say it just once; a minimum of three or four times in a row is required, apparently.

The child loves popsicles; but somehow, they are pronounced "bah-zhee." Don't ask me how that one happened . . .

When he needs to use the restroom, Cavan (who of course, waits until he can't possibly hold it any longer) grabs his crotch and says "bfff, bfff." And no matter what, he won't let go of his crotch until he's in the can and his pants are being pulled down.

What a blessing!


At 12/13/06, 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heath and Shannon, it's really fun to read about your little ones. How rewarding that your parenting is paying off as Cavan grows old enough to "give back"! Thanks for spending the time to keep us updated.


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