Morber High Life

The Champaign of Families---Crunchy. Conservative. Catholic. Consider yourself warned . . .

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Brief "kid" update

I've decided to try to start writing shorter posts occasionally; I find that the thought of having to sit down for a half-hour to an hour and write a post on a particular topic is usually daunting and I wind up putting it off. If I just decide to write quick ones here and there, I may be more apt to do it. So here's one to get it started . . .

Cavan: His vocabulary is growing bit-by-bit everyday. Shan and I have also started numbers and letters with him. If you coax him, he can count to 10 with a pretty high accuracy and he has an unusual affinity for "8, 9, 10" for some reason. :) Some more fun words of his:

"Joof"= Juice

"Mope" = No/Nope

"Ots" = Off

He also started calling me "Daddy" instead of "Da-da" just yesterday. I respond to either one, lucky for him. :)

Kellyn: She's officially crawling! She has been doing an army crawl for several weeks now, but just recently started doing the real thing. When you think of it, I'm surprised babies ever learn that skill; geez, it really takes a lot of coordination to move all those limbs in-sync with each other. They never cease to amaze . . .

She's starting to pull herself up on things as well as get into everything; it's about time to really give this house a thorough baby-proofing. What a fun age, though . . . I'll miss these years when they're gone. My wife insists that she won't, but I don't believe her one bit. :)


At 1/30/07, 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That coordination benefits them for life! Make sure she practices lots and learns it well before she walks! Early walkers end up being clumsy because they don't get enough practice at being coordinated! So, have fun with her and enjoy!


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